Fleeced! Shear Terror is getting off to a great start on the App Store! A few reviews and previews have started rolling in and the response has been great! Here's what a few reviewers have to say about Fleeced!
"The game play is perfectly balanced. Go out on full attack and you will soon find your defenses in tatters while concentrate on your defenses and you’ll never break through your brothers walls. The controls are smooth, sound effects are effective and with an appropriately Peruvian soundtrack that plays along in the background it’s difficult to find anything not to like about this game and we are not even finished yet!" -
TouchReviews.netRead the full article
"Bight definitely brings something quite original to the iPhone with Fleeced! We fully expect this game to generate some buzz in the App Store when it comes out early next week. So, get ready for some good ol' fashioned llama shaving fun!" -
TouchiPhoneGames.comRead ther full article
"I have zero idea how much the boys at Bight Interactive had been drinking when they came up with the idea of having a couple of brothers, in way back when Peru, shooting each other senseless with cannons, and shearing and stealing wool from each others lamas. – But just writing this bit makes me wish I had been drinking with them!" -
AppViews.dkRead the full article
Fleeced! Shear Terror is now available on the App Store.